Tag Archives: kappad

Of Coffee, Committees and Cohorts

The weekend! Feels like a really long time since I’ve had one.

What’s up? Well, a lot actually!

We got done with the mid terms (what a relief!). This was one thing I wanted to do differently here at IIMK; I was determined to slog and get good grades. Sadly, one can’t change so fast (what did I expect? :P).

This is how my exams turned out –

  1. I had a phobia of the first exam;
  2. We were not supposed to study for the third (again – what a relief!)
  3. Did not open the book for the seventh (not even in the exam)
  4. Got royally screwed in the eighth.

So it was pretty much engineering all over again – Jugaad at its best. Oh ya, I also had a first in this mid-term – I nicely slept off for a bit in the middle of an exam!

Thanks to the back-breaker of a chair in my hostel room, I had to take asylum in the library (another first – I hadn’t even entered the library to renew cards in the past). And I must admit, the library is indeed inspiring. People slogging all around – you can actually feel the financial sheets balancing in the air above their heads (though it did not help me much in the exam)!

The best part about studying in the library is the coffee break. I’m positive that I have an O.D of caffeine in my system by now. After a freshly replenished caffeine supply, it’s back to nodding off to sleep with the book open (NOBODY challenges my body clock!). God only knows what the results will be. Anyway, as they say, it’s about the learning and not the results 😉

The committees were giving us a fair share of running around as well and their tasks kept us on our toes just before and through the mid-sems. Though I’d done with all my stuff well before the exams, I was still doing stuff for others (thanks to my video making skills :-/).

The committee tasks were amazing in their variety and were challenging and very interesting. The final selections were based on voting. This was impressive and a much better system as compared to the one in my earlier college. There was not much room for foul play and the fact that campaigning was banned made it all the more “clean”. I managed to scrape through my tasks with decent ratings (still waiting for the final verdict *fingers crossed*).

The new cohort system put in place by the seniors was a wonderful innovation indeed. It enabled us to share the load of attending guest lectures and talks among the members of our cohort (Phew! As if we didn’t have enough load already!) I wish we had cohorts for catching up on lost sleep – one person sleeps and all get refreshed!

The last few days witnessed a huge exodus of students to Kappad beach (ya, it’s the one where Vasco da Gama landed ages ago). Though it meant another “night-out”, it just felt great to break away from the tight schedules (though, for many beach noobs, it was a failed attempt to watch a “beach sunrise”). For the geography noobs, Kozhikode is on the west coast and the sun rises in the east. For all the others, I’m so sorry I had to explain that :-/

Life at Kampus is getting better every day!

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